The Sign Contract menu option allows you to sign and upload PDFs that have been saved on your local Terminal or network drive:     

[NOTE:  This method is usually used to load a document that was scanned via an optical scanner & saved on the terminal/network drive.] 

  1. Right-click the V-DOCS icon in the system tray and select Sign Contract.   

      2. The Select Agreement to Upload prompt will appear. Click Browse to locate the PDF on your computer.

      3. Select the file and click Open.

      4. When the file has been selected, click the Upload button

      5. The PDF will load in V-DOCS.  If it is a recognized contract format, its signature points will be recognized, and the contract can be signed.  If no signature points are detected, a signature box will appear on-screen that can be dragged to the desired location for signing.  

      6. Refer to Sign New Document for details on the signing process. 

[NOTE:  If the document is not a recognized template, V-DOCS will be unable to parse the info from the agreement and you will need to manually enter the details in the Confirm Agreement Details fields – this ensures the document is returned in Agreement Searches.]